New Job Day


We've previously talked about Melanie's jobs at school, and Laura and I are just getting hip to the possibilities incumbent in this new addition to our lives. Anyway, thanks to Grandma Alicia, Melanie now knows how to fold laundry! And better still, she's good at it! So last night, pictured, she folded and she's looking forward to doing it every night!
"New Job Day" was posted Friday, October 31, 2008

More ducks

Some last minute instructions.
"More ducks" was posted Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Happy birthday, Melanie. Four going on fourteen. Many, many more.
"Four" was posted Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kate Sessions Park, San Diego, CA

kate-sessions-colorized had it's 2nd annual Family Fun Day at Kate Sessions Park yesterday. Above is a panoramic view from the park that I've stitched together from my cell phone's camera. Below, the girls. And more, better photos from a co-worker to come.

"Kate Sessions Park, San Diego, CA" was posted Friday, October 24, 2008

Hamotzi Friend

New this year in Melanie's pre-school class is that each week the kids have a job. Monday is "new job day" and in the past few weeks Melanie has been Weather Bear Friend (dressing the class' teddy bear appropriately for the day's weather), Light Person, Plant Waterer, and Calendar Friend.

This week she is Hamotzi Friend Helper. As she describes it, and I'm paraphrasing, "You go up with Debbie and you can pick any song to sing. 'A-B-C' or 'E-F-G', no... any song you want." Then I guess she leads the class in the hamotzi before lunch. Here's what it must sound like, but note that this was sung at the end of dinner with a gummy vitamin in her mouth.

B'tay avon!
"Hamotzi Friend" was posted Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Good for the Goose

What's good for the goose...

Picture005.jpg by you. good for the gander.

1014081821.jpg by you.
"Good for the Goose" was posted Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No caption needed

1004081033.jpg by you.

Nor can I come up with one.ย  But it's a really cute picture of the girls, regardless.

In fact, that should have been the caption.ย  "Really cute picture of the girls."

Keep it simple, stupid.
"No caption needed" was posted Monday, October 06, 2008