Edith Brown Spitzberg

I lost my grandmother - my last living grandparent - last night, suddenly and unexpectedly. I'm still trying to come to grips with the loss. I'm happy that it was quick - she wouldn't have wanted to suffer or linger. But it didn't have to happen now. She was still starting a new life in El Paso, on her own since my grandfather died, but less alone than in a long time since she moved into the assisted living community.
As I remember her, I smile more than I cry. She was a smart, funny lady. Very strong and practical - she moved her family around the world more than once. She loved to talk, which was something I never realized until these last few years. I'll always remember her after dinner having her tea and dessert at the head of the dining room table, sweater over her shoulders, reading glasses with a strap around her neck and probably a kleenex stuffed in her cuff, reading the paper.
I really don't know what to say beyond that.