Sweet Tooth

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. We've been busy and on the move! For those of you who don't know, we've moved to a deluxe apartment on the Upper East Side of... no, wait, that was the Jeffersons. Rather we've moved to a big house in the suburbs. Six bedrooms, four bathrooms. Emma still has a yard, but now Grandma Alicia (and other guests, of course) have indoor accomodations. Needless to say, we're very excited.


Otherwise, I did want to highlight a recurring theme in some recent photos and am finally getting around to doing so. See if you can follow along.

Melanie with the Gingerbread house that she built over New Years with TracyMarc.

Cupcake! You'll notice that the frosting is going, leaving the cake relatively untouched.

Ice cream face.


Ice cream faces.
"Sweet Tooth" was posted Wednesday, February 04, 2009